
  1. 4. Preferred before all others of the same kind
  2. 5. The person who films the movie
  3. 6. A person that writes the scripts/stories for the movie
  4. 10. A movie that is drawn, known as a cartoon
  5. 12. A type of movie that is funny
  6. 13. A type of film that is scary
  1. 1. A person in the story of a movie
  2. 2. A snack you often eat at the cinema
  3. 3. Something/someone that makes you laugh
  4. 7. A film with a love story
  5. 8. A person who controls the actors and oversees the making of the movie
  6. 9. The place where you go to watch movies
  7. 11. A person who performs in movies/theatre shows