
  1. 2. (Himeru’s no.2 fave movie)extremely popular 1940s movie
  2. 4. (Mama’s no.2 fave movie) Batman movie from 2012 with Christian Bale as Batman
  3. 6. (Rei’s no.2 fave movie)A very popular studio ghibli film
  4. 7. (Shu’s no.2 fave movie) this is a comedy about a woman who discretely orchestrates the lives of the people around her, creating a world exclusively of her own making.
  5. 8. (Rei’s no.3 fave movie)a film about a woman raising her children after her wolfman husband dies
  6. 9. (Shu’s no.1 fave movie)You are a ____
  7. 12. (Himeru’s no.3 fave movie)1950s film about the destruction caused by fame
  8. 13. (Chiaki’s no.1 fave movie)Basically a Power ranger guy who fights evil
  9. 14. (Mama’s no.1 fave movie) what do you write on all your schoolwork
  1. 1. (Himeru’s no.1 fave movie)Famous mob movie franchise
  2. 3. (Shu’s no.3 fave movie) The French Disney Princess film
  3. 5. (Rei’s no.1 fave movie)2013 film based on the Japanese folktale called the bamboo cutter
  4. 6. (Chiaki’s no.2 fave movie)also one Rei likes
  5. 10. (Chiaki’s no.3 fave movie)Your brother loves this monster
  6. 11. (Mama’s no.3 fave movie) Famous Jack Black movie by Dreamworks