
  1. 2. Julie Andrews stars in this classic musical about a disorderly nun who leaves her convent to watch after the Von Trapp children.
  2. 4. A bizarre cult classic that follows the troubled titular character as he learns that the world will end in 28 days.
  3. 6. "The first rule of ___ is: you do not talk about ___."
  4. 7. "P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney!"
  5. 8. This found-footage monster movie has had two spinoffs since its release in 2008.
  6. 9. This 2016 superhero release features Ryan Reynolds as the movie's titular character.
  7. 10. A 2021 sci-fi flic that's an adaptation of a book by the same name.
  8. 12. This 2019 World War II satire directed by Taika Waititi manages to both pull at heartstrings and provide several laughs throughout.
  9. 13. Set in Greece, this musical comedy stars Meryl Streep and Amanda Seyfried as a mother-daughter duo.
  10. 14. This 2004 high school movie has a star-studded cast including Lindsay Lohan and Tina Fey.
  11. 15. In this horror movie, nobody is safe from an evil entity known as "Diana" who thrives in the darkness.
  1. 1. A Pacific Northwest love story that somewhat unexpectedly culminates with a visit to the top of the Empire State Building.
  2. 3. This mockumentary takes a look into the life of a sentient shell named Marcel.
  3. 5. An eerie drama following fictional FBI agent Clarice Starling as she investigates a string of murders with the help of detained serial killer Hannibal Lecter.
  4. 7. A strange, but endearing 90s crime noir that takes place in the Upper Midwest.
  5. 11. A classic Steven Spielberg summer thriller.