
  1. 2. Alien
  2. 8. The golden ticket
  3. 9. Luke Skywalker
  4. 11. We're of to see the wizard
  5. 13. Sinking ship
  6. 14. 007
  7. 16. Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming
  1. 1. I'm living alone
  2. 3. Many, many dogs (Over 100)
  3. 4. Anna, and Elsa
  4. 5. The chosen one
  5. 6. Get out of my swamp
  6. 7. Flying umbrella
  7. 10. That's a big ape
  8. 12. Tom Cruise, and planes
  9. 14. We are gonna need a bigger boat
  10. 15. Buddy goes to New York