
  1. 2. If the shoe fits...
  2. 4. Animals that can "SING"
  3. 6. emotions in Riley's head
  4. 7. Blue people on banshees
  5. 10. "My heart will go on"
  6. 13. Nanny from England
  7. 15. "To infinity and beyond..."
  8. 16. Run (blank) run!
  1. 1. "I am your father."
  2. 3. Banana loving stooges
  3. 5. Forbidden game
  4. 8. Avenger with red hair
  5. 9. It's "over the rainbow"
  6. 11. Kevin, Carl, Doug, for example
  7. 12. Great white
  8. 14. Mike Myers' first animated movie