Movies and Matter

  1. 1. They used ______ for swords.
  2. 5. Horror movies tend to be ____________.
  3. 8. Trail Mix is a _________, you can separate the substances after you mix them.
  4. 9. A state of matter that flows and takes the shape of the container it is in.
  5. 11. The scenery, what is at the back of the scene.
  6. 12. Salt ____________ in water, it becomes part of the liquid.
  7. 13. The ________ of the robot was the first of its kind.
  8. 15. Put back together
  9. 17. Fire drills are a ___________ of what we would do in case of emergency.
  10. 19. They used ________ effects for the explosion because having a real explosion is dangerous.
  11. 24. They put _______in the set landscape to represent the craters on the moon.
  12. 25. A lot of movie props are made of ___________.
  13. 26. An extraordinary occurrence. The northern lights are a natural _____________.
  14. 28. Magicians and movie makers use ___________ to impress you.
  15. 30. A ________ is a smaller version of the original done to scale.
  16. 31. When muscles waste away we call it __________.
  17. 32. Something that is passed on __________ is something you have in your dna from your parents.
  1. 2. Color dyes in M and Ms are __________ and dissolve in water.
  2. 3. A state of matter that holds it shape.
  3. 4. Chocolate milk is a __________, you can't separate it after you mix it.
  4. 5. If you have the ________ for blue eyes from both your parents you will have blue eyes. They are made up of dna.
  5. 6. These make up everything in matter, seen with electron microscope.
  6. 7. To make something again.
  7. 10. Dinosaurs are considered __________.
  8. 14. ________ disorders deal with things not functioning correctly in the brain.
  9. 16. When a sponge can't absorb more liquid it is ___________.
  10. 18. If you watch a movie in ____ it isn't flat.
  11. 20. A group of atoms bonded together.
  12. 21. The ocean is _______. It goes on for a long time.
  13. 22. It is lifelike
  14. 23. The visual features of an area. The _________ was mountainous.
  15. 27. These funny images are shared on the internet.
  16. 29. When something is not the whole thing.
  17. 32. Has no shape. The air you breathe is this kind of matter