Movies and Series

  1. 2. Fiction character also known as Don Diego De La Vega
  2. 5. Screenwriter and film producer that directed The Dark Knight trilogy
  3. 7. Animated series containing characters like "Speedy Gonzales" and "Daffy Duck"
  4. 9. A criminal American series
  5. 10. A British surreal comedy group and also an icon of the English culture.
  6. 12. A recent musical TV series
  7. 13. An American medical drama whose main character is played by Hugh Laurie.
  1. 1. Fiction series that portray a young boy that studies to become a wizard.
  2. 3. An American sci-fi fiction movie series known worldwide.
  3. 4. A worldwide known consulting detective created by Conan Doyle
  4. 5. A British comedian, actor, and movie director whose most famous character was called "The Tramp".
  5. 6. Animated series mostly known by their characters being yellow.
  6. 8. A TV series series whose main character travels through time and space in a police box.
  7. 11. Movie director and artist responsible for movies like "Alice in Wonderland" and "Edward Scissorhands"