Movies and TV Shows Reference

  1. 4. The BEST Spiderman
  2. 8. "I'm a _____. Duh!"
  3. 14. (500)____________
  4. 15. Opening song for LalaLand
  5. 16. Scarlett Johansson as a cyborg
  6. 17. Leonardo DiCaprio commits federal crimes and gets away with it.
  7. 18. "This is the _____!"
  8. 19. "Mama always said: Life was like a box of _____. You never know what you're gonna get."
  9. 20. "Nah. Imma do my own thing."
  1. 1. Anna Kendrick's Cup Song
  2. 2. Robert Pattinson before he came to Gotham City.
  3. 3. Modern Family's Alex
  4. 5. "What? Like it's hard?"
  5. 6. Barbie's Director
  6. 7. "When you realize you want to spend _____ with somebody, you want ____ to start as soon as possible."
  7. 9. Irish lead in Little Women
  8. 10. "My name is _____. You killed my father. Prepare to die!"
  9. 11. Netflix's adaptation of Nella Larson's novel
  10. 12. The musical this year
  11. 13. "Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. No doubt. No doubt. No doubt."