Movies Characters

  1. 4. This dog loved the outside but could sometimes be a bit to lively his death was sad and brought anyone who witnessed it to tears
  2. 5. She lives with her mother on a small island until her wedding is approaching and as her friends join her on the island she starts on a quest to find out who her real father is
  3. 6. This girl was spoilt rotten but loved to preform but was always using her poor brother She later has her own movie about her adventure's in the big apple
  4. 7. He is the youngest of a very large family and is regularly forgotten
  1. 1. This man was a great wizard and was once the owner of the death stick until it was stolen form his tomb
  2. 2. He hates Christmas until a little girl shows the true meaning of Christmas
  3. 3. This girl fell in love with a vampire after she moved to live with her father her love for the vampire however frequently but them both in danger but in the end they overcome all challenges and settle down together with their half immortal child
  4. 6. He is the oldest of three young boys who are wild but talented singers and when they get famous it is sometimes difficult to keep them under control