Movies, movies, movies!

  1. 1. Marion stops to the Bates Motel for a night but gets murdered in the shower
  2. 5. a doll leaves her hometown to go to the real world and figure out why she is imperfect (2023)
  3. 6. a sci-fi saga where a special knight defeats the evil emperor with the aid of a sword made of light
  4. 8. a romance between a struggling artist and an upper-middle class lady ends in tragedy when it bumps an iceberg
  5. 9. amusement park cloned dinosaurs from dna but they break free
  1. 2. an orphan gets enrolled in a magic school and gets head-to-head with the man who killed his parents
  2. 3. everyone lives in a simulation,but a small group of people are able to break free and take it down
  3. 4. a girl gets whisked away by a hurricane and gets transported in a land with a green witch and a yellow brick road. "the..."
  4. 7. the toys come alive when you're not looking