- 1. police comedy starring Dan Aykroyd
- 2. name of clown in It
- 4. Where did Alice work
- 7. race care driver played by Elvis
- 8. Kim Basinger and Mickey Rourke movie
- 9. do not feed them after midnight
- 10. Newyork mob movie starring Warren Beatty
- 12. 1977 tv series where Benson is a spin off
- 13. What kind of place was Cheers
- 15. basketball movie set in Indiana
- 18. kids look for treasure on ship
- 19. what city Full House set in
- 22. actor in Goidbye Girl
- 23. horror movie starring Linda Blair
- 25. horror movie about a clown
- 26. famous leader who led India to independence
- 30. disney movie about cats
- 32. a movie about a famous composer
- 33. boxing character played by Sylvester Stallone
- 34. first name of Beaver's mom
- 1. movie where locals attack vacationers canoeing
- 3. movie Starring Dustan Hoffman playing a woman
- 5. Alive, movie starring John Travolta as dance instructor
- 6. what color was Tom Hanks shoe in big hit
- 11. 1960 film where slave turned gladiator
- 12. movie about runaway bus
- 14. Had horse named Silver
- 16. played lead in Mommy Dearest
- 17. color of Andies car in Pretty in Pink
- 18. tv show about roommates set in Miami
- 19. movie starring Jolie as CIA Agent
- 20. war tv show starring Allen Alda
- 21. famous movie dog
- 24. con movie starring Robert Redford
- 27. what tv series did Bea Aurther play a liberal woman
- 28. horror movie starring Sissy Spacek
- 29. NFL Manger played by Kevin Costner
- 31. a John Wayne film