
  1. 1. Potions Master at Hogwarts
  2. 5. The best captain, not the best show
  3. 9. Chase's favorite show
  4. 10. Not The Last Airbender
  5. 11. good nickname for a shark
  6. 12. The Lion King music writer
  7. 14. "I ____ at the close" -The Golden Snitch
  8. 17. Harrison's adventurer Jones
  9. 19. Hitchcock's thriller set in an apartment building
  10. 20. Diagon Alley's Wand-maker
  1. 1. Given to those who ask
  2. 2. "Yer a wizard Harry" -_____
  3. 3. "You're gonna need a bigger boat" (Movie Title)
  4. 4. bad space guy with asthma
  5. 5. James' giant fruit (Also Chase's Favorite)
  6. 6. # of Voldy's horocruxes
  7. 7. "____!!!!!" -James T. Kirk
  8. 8. Chase's other favorite show
  9. 13. Tim Taylor's cable show
  10. 15. Timone and _____
  11. 16. "Why is the rum gone?" Jack _______
  12. 18. "Remember who you are" -______