Mpisi Express # 5 - Find the answers in the content.

  1. 5. Traditional African beer
  2. 6. Roasted seaweed in Korean
  3. 7. Spicy vegetable relish to be served with pap
  4. 8. Jewish celebration
  5. 12. 2nd A in SAGA
  6. 15. Chinese word "songzhong"
  7. 16. ________ meal and water are ingredients in pap recipe
  8. 17. Festival of lights
  9. 19. Heillet's healthy _______ noodle soup
  1. 1. Fertility symbol
  2. 2. In African culture, you shouldn't walk this way
  3. 3. South African society
  4. 4. Korean for older woman
  5. 9. Home style bars
  6. 10. Saron's recommended healthy tea
  7. 11. Korean seaside city
  8. 13. Most important to make lamb breyani
  9. 14. Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring and fertility
  10. 15. Food high in vitamin C
  11. 17. Where Julie and her husband met
  12. 18. Korean delicacy