- 1. R_________ was the time period after the civil war where the U.S. sought to rebuild the south without slavery and unify the country
- 5. Slave owners in the south defended slavery by saying it was a P_______ good and the states right to continue slavery was given by the constitution
- 7. P______ Ocean, the border of the U.S. and their goal of manifest destiny
- 9. The U____ states were the Northern states that fought to free slaves
- 10. the __th amendment protected the voting rights of African Americans
- 12. O_____ Treaty, ended a dispute between Britain and the U.S. over borders, that gave the U.S. land in Northwestern U.S. and removed Britain from that area
- 13. The S_____ Party System fell apart after the election of Republican Lincoln which started a system of Republicans and Democrats, Republicans supported abolition and Democrats supported Slavery
- 15. B_______ Kansas was an event with violence and where people bleed into Kansas to vote on whether they were a slave state or not after the Kansas-Nebraska Act was passed which admitted both as states into the U.S. but gave people the power to decide if they were a free or slave state
- 16. I____ Immigrants made up a majority of immigrants from Europe that came to the U.S. for jobs
- 18. F___ labor was the main part of the Northern states economy
- 19. N______M rose in the 1840s due to an increase of migration to the West and North of the U.S., hate for immigrants rose
- 20. The __th amendment abolished slavery after the civil war
- 2. The Mexican C_______ was a product of the Treaty of Hidalgo Guadalupe and gave the U.S. over 50% of Mexico's land, which intensified the division between South and North
- 3. the E_______ of 1860 saw Abraham Lincoln become president without any souther votes, which lead to the majority of slave states voting to secede from the nation, which began to warm up the civil war
- 4. M______- American war, started because of Texas annexation in 1845 and issues with were its border was between the U.S. and Mexico
- 6. S_____ were still an important part of the economies workforce and economy
- 8. The C_________e states were the souther states who were fighting to keep slavery and become their own sovereign nation
- 11. G______ Purchase was a 10 million dollar deal between Mexico and the U.S. that gave the U.S. land that would later be part of Arizona and New Mexico and important for the transcontinental railroad system
- 14. C______ immigrants were more present in California during the Gold Rush, but were also overworked in railroad creation
- 17. The __th amendment gave African Americans citizenship and also protected their rights as citizens