Mr Cook's Friday Brain Teaser

  1. 1. Term used to describe the rainfall that occurs when two weather system collide (8 Letters)
  2. 3. A 'doing' word (4 Letters)
  3. 5. William the (9 Letters)
  4. 8. Has a different climate to the surrounding area (12 Letters)
  5. 10. Describe a doing word (6 Letters)
  6. 12. Rainfall,Snow,Hail and Sleet are all types of (13 Letters)
  7. 13. The Capital of England (6 Letters)
  1. 1. Put at the end of a sentence (8 Letters)
  2. 2. Equipment used to measure temperature (10 Letters)
  3. 4. A period of 10 years (6 Letters)
  4. 5. Putting dates in order (13 Letters)
  5. 6. Pause (5 Letters)
  6. 7. Equipment used to measure wind speed (10 Letters)
  7. 9. A period in time (3 Letters)
  8. 11. Equipment used to measure wind direction (8 Letters)
  9. 12. A type of noun for a person or place (6 Letters)
  10. 14. A thing or an object (4 Letters)