Mr. Montalbano's Nutrition Crossword

  1. 4. food that provide only energy
  2. 5. makes your bones strong
  3. 7. helps repair muscles
  4. 9. process body uses to make or get energy
  5. 10. what people love about coffee
  6. 12. keeping track of food intake
  7. 13. building block of proteins
  8. 15. found in broccoli and cereals
  9. 17. without will cause dehydration
  10. 18. what the product is made up
  11. 20. protein found in wheat
  1. 1. consume more calories than you burn
  2. 2. carbohydrate protein fats
  3. 3. amount of food listed on nutrition label
  4. 6. the body's main fuel source
  5. 8. weight in relation to height
  6. 11. the substance we consume
  7. 14. table salt
  8. 16. unit of energy found on nutrition labels
  9. 19. consume less calories than you burn