- 2. Implant we are unable to scan at Cab Hosp
- 6. These stents are generally ok to scan without safety info
- 7. The MRI safety committee promotes Safe Working ________
- 8. What do we need to clear and implant for MRI, Make and _____ number
- 9. Some of these dots may need to be removed prior to MRI to redduce risk of burns
- 1. The coil needs to be _____ before removing the table from the scanner
- 2. These types of incidents still happen, even though awareness regarding MRI safety is more universal in healthcare
- 3. In the case that the patient cannot fill in the MRI safety form the patient's Next of ____ may do it instead
- 4. What projectile caused the death of a patient that led to the first MRI Safety Committee
- 5. The MRI room should never be left _____ with the door unlocked