- 2. It's too loud, turn down the ______.
- 5. Largest gas giant.
- 6. I am the three forms of matter.
- 9. Common fuel.
- 13. I'm not right-side-up.
- 14. You see me every day.
- 15. Things with a _______ less that 1.0 g/cm^2 sink.
- 17. I live life at a tilt.
- 18. Lord of the Rings
- 1. A favor.
- 3. Roman god of war.
- 4. Our star player.
- 7. Rain.
- 8. Home to intelligent life.
- 10. Liquid of a thermometer.
- 11. A place a Catholic goes on Sunday.
- 12. World-wide system of measurement.
- 16. Roman god of the sea.