Mrs. Smart's Baby Shower

  1. 3. The bed away from mommy and daddy's bed.
  2. 5. Made to WIPE away accidents big and small.
  3. 6. Everyday accessory that can't be seen (worn before the baby is potty trained)
  4. 8. The room made for the baby that the parents are in more than the baby.
  5. 10. Filled with either milk or formula.
  1. 1. The substitute for breast milk.
  2. 2. Keeps the baby quiet.
  3. 4. Everyone's favorite baby lotion is by this brand.
  4. 7. The cover up for clothes and to wipe off a little bit of spit up every now and then.
  5. 9. The toy that you can't wait for the baby to grow out of (makes noise when you shake it).