Mrs. Walker's Nervous System

  1. 5. this lobe involves smell, voluntary motor function, motivation, aggression and mood
  2. 8. this lobe houses the vision center
  3. 11. this lobe receives smell and voice input and are involved in memory, thought, and judgement
  4. 12. this lobe contains sensory areas which control basic senses, taste, and balance
  5. 13. nerve number XI
  6. 14. consists of resting potential, moving potential, and threshold
  7. 17. nerve number X
  8. 19. nervous system stimulates skeletal muscle and is under voluntary control
  9. 20. disease that is usually found in people over the age of 65
  10. 21. these cells produce cerebrospinal fluid
  11. 22. nervous system contains the brain and the spinal cord
  12. 23. nerve number II
  13. 24. are nerve cells that receive stimuli and transmit into action potentials
  1. 1. nerve number II
  2. 2. nerve number I
  3. 3. believed to result from attacks by the immune system
  4. 4. nerve number V
  5. 6. this part of the brain functions in hearing and visual reflexes and aids in motor activity, muscle movement and tone
  6. 7. nervous system stimulates cardiac and smooth muscle and is under involuntary control
  7. 9. usually appears in infancy or early childhood
  8. 10. this part of the brain interprets the perception into an action and controls balance and coordination
  9. 12. nervous system consists of sensory receptors, nerves, ganglia, and plexesus
  10. 15. nerve number IV
  11. 16. nerve number VII
  12. 18. ALS is better known as this name