MSMc2 Geometry

  1. 2. A polygon with all sides and all angles equal
  2. 6. A solid shape with a polygon as a base and triangular faces that come to a point (vertex or apex)
  3. 7. A quadrilateral with exactly one pair of parallel sides
  4. 9. A flat surface of a 3D polygon
  5. 12. One of four sections into which the coordinate plane is divided
  6. 13. A quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides
  7. 16. The intersection of a solid and a plane
  8. 18. The distance across a circle through its center
  9. 21. A closed plane figure made up of line segments
  10. 24. The ratio of the lengths of two corresponding sides of two similar polygons; used to enlarge or reduce a figure
  11. 25. The horizontal axis on a coordinate plane
  12. 27. The length of a path between two points
  13. 28. A segment that connects any two nonconsecutive vertices
  14. 29. A point where two or more straight lines meet
  15. 30. Flat surface
  1. 1. The distance around a circle
  2. 3. The line segment where two faces of a solid figure meet
  3. 4. The distance from the center of a circle to any point on the circle
  4. 5. The number of square units needed to cover a surface
  5. 8. The distance around a figure
  6. 10. Made up of seperate parts
  7. 11. A four-sided polygon
  8. 14. A parallelogram with four congruent sides
  9. 15. A mathematical relationship or rule expressed in symbols
  10. 17. A measure of three-dimensional space; the number of cubes that fill
  11. 19. A pair of numbers in the form (x,y) that identify the location of a point on the coordinate plane
  12. 20. The vertical axis on a coordinate plane
  13. 21. A solid figure that has two congruent, parallel polygons as its bases. Its sides are parallelograms
  14. 22. A parallelogram with four right angles
  15. 23. A polygon with three sides
  16. 26. The center of a coordinate plane; (0,0)