Mt. Everest

  1. 2. The top of Mt Everest
  2. 3. Providing supplies, shelter, and communications
  3. 7. Most dangerous part of Mt Everest
  4. 9. They help with food, camping tents, and your surroundings
  5. 11. A place that contains very little oxygen
  6. 13. The higher you go, the less of this there is
  7. 14. Full of trash on Mt. Everest
  8. 18. What happens if you don’t acclimate properly
  9. 19. Tallest mountain in the world
  10. 20. A country that borders the Himalayas
  1. 1. The step that was named after Sir Edmund Hillary
  2. 4. What is put under shoes to help you climb Mt. Everest
  3. 5. Where it gets quiet
  4. 6. A load carrying animal
  5. 8. Where Mt. Everest is located
  6. 10. A portable shelter made of cloth
  7. 12. What is used to cross caps
  8. 15. What Mt. Everest is
  9. 16. One of the first people to reach the top on Mt. Everest
  10. 17. The first climber of Mt. Everest