MT6317 Lecture Carbohydrates Crossword

  1. 5. Primary food source for the brain
  2. 8. Method where glucose + o-toluidine + acetic acid + heat forms N-glycosylamine
  3. 12. A test to assess glucose after being given a high glucose load. Acronym only
  4. 13. Very important in several biosynthetic reactions such as production of ribose and NADPH
  5. 14. Linkage of two monosaccharides
  6. 16. Simple sugar
  7. 17. Hormone involved in controlling blood sugar levels
  8. 20. Process in which glucose is stored as glycogen
  9. 21. An individual with this type of diabetes has a higher tendency to produce ketones
  10. 25. A sign of diabetes mellitus that refers to excessive thirst
  11. 27. In the EMP, pyruvate will be converted to Acetyl-Coa and will enter which cycle?
  12. 28. Increased levels of galactose in plasma as a result of a congenital deficiency of one of three enzymes involved in galactose
  13. 29. Carbonyl group in the middle
  14. 35. Reduction of NADP+ to NADPH -
  15. 37. Test which is obtained in the morning after an approximately 8-10 hours fast, but not longer than 16 hours. Acronym ONLY
  16. 38. This may occur after the renal tubular transporter system for glucose becomes saturated
  17. 40. Group of metabolic diseases characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both
  18. 43. End product of the Folin-Wu method
  19. 48. Yields more than 10 monosaccharides on hydrolysis
  20. 49. This is the result of an imbalance in the rate of glucose appearance and disappearance from the circulation
  1. 1. This type of diabetes mellitus has been defined as any degree of glucose intolerance with onset or first recognition during pregnancy
  2. 2. Carbohydrate with 6 carbons
  3. 3. Yields 2 ATP
  4. 4. Carbohydrate with three carbons
  5. 6. Most essential carbohydrate
  6. 7. The body's physiological process for absorbing nutrients and delivering energy as needed.
  7. 9. The process by which food is converted to energy through chemical processes in the cells of the body.
  8. 10. A form of type 1 diabetes that has no known etiology, is strongly inherited, and does not have β-cell autoimmunity
  9. 11. Involves the measurement of colored solution compared with a standard, which contains a known concentration of the substance being analyzed
  10. 15. is acted upon this enzyme to produce glucose-6-phosphate
  11. 17. Formation of glucose-6-phosphate from noncarbohydrate sources
  12. 18. Smallest carbohydrate
  13. 19. Hormone produced by the pancreas that allows your body to use the glucose from carbohydrates found in food
  14. 22. Organ that filters urea(plural)
  15. 23. Glucose is converted to pyruvate or lactate for production of energy
  16. 24. Three to ten sugar units
  17. 26. This can be done after fasting or non-fasting. This is done using a glucometer and is used for glucose monitoring. Acronym only
  18. 30. More accurate and specific than glucose-oxidase method
  19. 31. Type ___ diabetes includes hyperglycemia cases that result from insulin resistance with an insulin secretory defect
  20. 32. Enzyme that breaks down masticated food in the mouth
  21. 33. This is a high-energy molecule that is needed in the first step for all three pathways so glucose can be converted to glucose-6-phosphate
  22. 34. Regulate key physiological functions including cell metabolism, growth, differentiation, and apoptosis.
  23. 36. Type of test where the sample can be collected anytime of the day without fasting. Acronym only
  24. 39. Where urea is excreted
  25. 41. Aldehyde group
  26. 42. Glycogenesis only occurs in this organ
  27. 44. A long-term monitoring of glucose regulation. Glycosylated hemoglobin is the average glucose concentration for three months.
  28. 45. Proteins that increase the rate of metabolism
  29. 46. The color of the solution once Benedict’s solution and simple carbohydrate is heated.
  30. 47. The most common congenital form of glycogen storage disease