Mucosal Immunity

  1. 2. not harmful bacteria that colonizes intestinal lumen
  2. 8. TH2 cells protect against this intestinal parasite
  3. 9. largest collection of immune cells
  4. 10. cells that make up of the mucosal surfaces
  5. 13. Most common antibody isotype in the intestine
  6. 14. Which costimulatory molecule is responsible for B cell antibody isotype switching?
  7. 15. process of developing a tolerant thymocyte
  8. 16. stage of dendritic cell for tolerance
  9. 18. cause of chronic inflammation due to gluten
  10. 22. can extend processes across the epithelial layer to capture antigens
  11. 23. site of intestinal IgA production
  12. 25. T cell that induces tolerance to intestinal antigens
  1. 1. infect > 1 billion people
  2. 3. IL-13 stimulates secretion of these from epithelial cells
  3. 4. what type of cells can collect antigens and proteins from the intestinal lumen near Peyer's patches?
  4. 5. bacteria responsible for intestinal immunity
  5. 6. transports antigens from lumen to Peyer's patches
  6. 7. only occurs in T cells after signal 1,2,3
  7. 11. what inhibits costimulation?
  8. 12. Lymph node that drains the intestine
  9. 17. dendritic cells that induce inflammatory responses
  10. 19. Most common antibody isotype in the respiratory tract
  11. 20. this drug is used to treat food allergies
  12. 21. what type of T cell produces granzymes?
  13. 24. Type of signal that differentiates into Th2
  14. 26. antigens, cytokines, and costimulation is needed for