
  1. 3. Object that wakes you up in the mornings
  2. 6. object you use to recharge power in a device
  3. 7. something you don't find interesting or appealing
  4. 9. highest state anything can go
  5. 10. Gathering of a large amount of people
  6. 12. Accessory you use to hear things on a PC
  7. 15. a different kind of head gear
  8. 17. what are you?
  9. 19. things we heavily rely on
  10. 20. the abrupt end of a mountain
  1. 1. type of sauce you use on a bbq with your friends
  2. 2. different kind of mobile device
  3. 4. a defined amount of time for recreation
  4. 5. way of expressing positivism
  5. 8. Accessory you can add on top of something that already exists
  6. 11. Big image you can put on your wall from an anime, series, sports, etc
  7. 13. something you sit on often
  8. 14. object or person that is really helpful for you
  9. 16. Something you do to an outlet
  10. 18. abbreviation of something you use in your cellphone