Multi-part verbs

  1. 3. / In the building...
  2. 5. / Pope ... curch in Spain
  3. 8. / I decided to...
  4. 10. / I will be ....
  5. 11. / Family in christmas...
  6. 12. / This year all exams is ....
  7. 13. / Friends ... in race.
  8. 14. / .... friends.
  9. 16. / .... gigerbread put some sparkles.
  10. 17. / Press ... to the game.
  11. 18. / ... be lazy.
  1. 1. / Fell in...
  2. 2. / ... a hotel
  3. 4. / Teacher ... a new spices.
  4. 6. / After 12 in student hostel electrisity.
  5. 7. / I need to ... school.
  6. 9. / On christmastree ending ... a star.
  7. 10. / i like .... a group.
  8. 15. / Angry people easy gets..
  9. 17. / .... this movie.