Multipling decimals crosswords

  1. 1. the person who taught me how to multiply decimals
  2. 7. another way to repersent decimals
  3. 10. operations that undo each other
  4. 12. a number that tells the base how many times to multiply itself by itself
  5. 13. the number you are deviding
  6. 14. what is .20 x 10
  1. 2. the awnser to a division problem
  2. 3. repetitive addition
  3. 4. two numbers that you multiply to get a diffrent number
  4. 5. opposite of multipling
  5. 6. two numbers behind the decimal point
  6. 8. one number behind the decimal point
  7. 9. a dot inside a number
  8. 11. the awnser to a devision problem