Multiplying Decimals

  1. 4. A symbol that has numbers that follow it(sometimes)
  2. 7. An operation that is like repeated addition
  3. 8. Fill in the blank: Line up numbers on the ___
  4. 9. The third place in decimals
  5. 12. The second place in decimals
  6. 13. another way to show multiplication
  1. 1. A number with a decimal point in it
  2. 2. How many places a number is from the decimal point
  3. 3. the opposite of decimals
  4. 5. Fill in the blank: Do NOT ___ the decimal points
  5. 6. The first place in decimals
  6. 10. The answer you get for a multiplication equation
  7. 11. a number that is being multiplied to another number to get a product
  8. 14. the opposite of multiplication