Multiplying Decimals

  1. 2. An arithmetical value
  2. 4. The opposite of dividing
  3. 6. What this crossword is about (two words)
  4. 7. 1,2,3,4,5,6...
  5. 9. To take something away
  6. 10. The end result of a math problem
  7. 12. The position of a digit to the right of a decimal point. (two words).
  8. 13. .25 x .75 = ? (word form)
  1. 1. The opposite of dividing decimals (two words)
  2. 3. The end result of multiplying
  3. 5. .25 x.5 = ? (word form)
  4. 8. Fractions are basically ____
  5. 9. First step in Multiplyinmg decimals (three words)
  6. 11. The dot in a decimal (two words)