Mum's birthday Crossie

  1. 3. name of Pig from Toy Story
  2. 4. type of tree
  3. 6. african country
  4. 8. River in England
  5. 10. Predecessor to Queen Victoria
  6. 11. Beatles Song from Abbey Road
  7. 12. Surname of lead character from Broken Sword
  8. 15. TV Show, My Name is ....
  9. 17. Name of Timothy Spall's character in Auf Weiedersehen Pet
  10. 18. Weekday afternoon TV show
  11. 19. horror film
  1. 1. Bret Harts Finishing Move
  2. 2. TV Show, Rosemary & .....
  3. 4. type of Gemstone
  4. 5. Dad's star sign
  5. 7. Crafty character in Heartbeat
  6. 9. Stadium Aberdeen play at
  7. 13. Shakespeare Play
  8. 14. Simply Red Song
  9. 16. Footballer with rubbery legs, Franck
  10. 20. Type of Dreams Jimmy Nail had in 1994