Murphy Choice Board

  1. 2. When did the United States and North Vietnam decide to cease fire?
  2. 3. When did the Berlin Wall fall?
  3. 5. How many people fled from East Berlin before the wall was built to go to West Berlin?
  4. 7. Who was the Soviet leader that was responsible for placing nuclear wepons in Cuba and aiming them at the United states?
  5. 10. The United States and Soviet Union competed with one another for political influence and military power.
  6. 11. What is an area of extreme tension called?
  7. 12. A wall built to stop East Berliners from coming to the West
  8. 14. A country split in two by a 103 mile long wall.
  9. 15. An imaginary line across Europe
  10. 16. Who won the Space Race?
  11. 17. A competition for science superiority between the United States and the Soviet Union.
  12. 18. Who took over Cuba in 1959 during the Rusian Revolution?
  13. 19. Who won the Korean War?
  1. 1. When did the Cold War end?
  2. 2. What year were East and West Berlin established?
  3. 4. A nuclear war where no shots were fired
  4. 6. A project to deliver goods to Berlin
  5. 8. A country with large amounts of power
  6. 9. What is the abreviation for the National Atlantic Treaty Organiazation
  7. 13. Who built the Berlin wall?