MUS1030 Terms

  1. 3. the ordering of music through time,
  2. 7. a rhythmic unit that presents one complete statement of the meter
  3. 8. the central note or mode on that a melody or piece is based on
  4. 9. performed as a single melodic line
  5. 11. three or more notes sung or played at the same time
  6. 15. the character of a sound
  7. 16. the smallest unit of music
  8. 17. based on the number and general relationship of musical voices or lines
  9. 18. performed with a supporting accompaniment
  10. 21. the sound created by multiple sounds or voices playing together
  11. 22. the distance between each note
  1. 1. music played loudly
  2. 2. determine the volume of a given work of music
  3. 4. a point of arrival signaling the end of a musical unit
  4. 5. music played medium loud
  5. 6. music played medium soft
  6. 10. performed by several people and instruments
  7. 12. an underlying pattern of beats that consists throughout a musical piece
  8. 13. the speed at which a work of music is performed
  9. 14. a single line of notes heard in succession as a coherent unit
  10. 19. music played softly
  11. 20. the note that establishes a key