Musclar System

  1. 2. Aids of smiling.
  2. 7. Motor neurons are connected to ___.
  3. 8. protects internal organs.
  4. 11. helps maintain body temperature.
  5. 13. Skeletal muscle is straited/not straited.
  6. 16. The muscle portion of the heart.
  7. 17. Compress the abdomen.
  8. 18. system that digests food.
  9. 19. system that helps with breathing.
  10. 21. Skeletal muscle is.
  1. 1. Cardiac muscle is only found in this.
  2. 3. Cardiac and Smooth are these types of muscles.
  3. 4. The neurotransmitters signal muscle __.
  4. 5. A heart cell.
  5. 6. Thick filaments.
  6. 9. pumps blood through the body.
  7. 10. Muscles do this.
  8. 12. Skeletal muscle produces this.
  9. 14. Tendon connects the muscle to this.
  10. 15. Muscles are very complex group of ____.
  11. 20. Skeletal muscles works in ____.