Muscles of the Upper Body

  1. 3. This muscle is really turning heads
  2. 4. What a surprising muscle!
  3. 8. Allows you to wink real creepy-like
  4. 11. Chewing muscle - origin on the temporal bone
  5. 13. Always makes me smile!
  6. 14. Muscle that closes the mouth and compresses the lips
  7. 15. Wide muscle that adducts the arm
  1. 1. Chewing muscle - origin on the zygomatic bone
  2. 2. Chest muscle that depresses and protracts the scapula
  3. 3. Chest muscle that protracts and rotates the scapula
  4. 5. Muscle that compresses the cheeks
  5. 6. A real eye opener!
  6. 7. This one makes me shrug
  7. 9. Chest muscle that flexes and adducts the humerus
  8. 10. Deep muscle the retracts the scapula
  9. 12. Flat muscle that