
  1. 3. Medical term for ankle
  2. 5. Medical term for chest
  3. 7. Caudal aspect of spine
  4. 8. Medical term for wrist
  5. 10. Term for between finger and toes
  6. 11. Towards the tail
  7. 12. Increased amount of fluid (within the knee)
  8. 15. Medical term for knee cap
  1. 1. Lower jaw bone
  2. 2. Upper jawbone
  3. 4. Away from the body's midline
  4. 6. Term for grinding, crunching, or popping that occurs when moving a joint
  5. 8. Towards the head
  6. 9. Medical term for knee
  7. 13. Term for joint fluid
  8. 14. Towards the body's midline