
  1. 2. as soon as possible, rapper or Stallone's boxer - 5
  2. 5. affects the back, source of water - 6,3
  3. 8. also a film, fab four - 1,4,4,5
  4. 9. go late - anagram - 6
  5. 12. the reason its getting harder to hear - 11
  6. 16. ..... perfect - a film - 5
  7. 17. opposite of "go late" - 8
  8. 21. astronomical composer - 6,5
  1. 1. musical element of a film - 10
  2. 3. sabrina's favourite coffee - 8
  3. 4. moodier or melancholy key - 5
  4. 6. open tuning - 6
  5. 7. genre colour - 5
  6. 10. neils heart of precious metal - gold
  7. 11. the speed of music - 5
  8. 13. birthplace of grunge, they say - 7
  9. 14. fourth instalment from rose tinted prog band - 9
  10. 15. genre of metal music - 6
  11. 18. brass family - 8
  12. 19. can also mean head in italian - 4
  13. 20. not one singer - 4