
  1. 1. how many in a bar
  2. 3. Slowly
  3. 6. An easy walking pace
  4. 7. Very fast
  5. 9. Quarter note
  6. 11. Immediately Slower
  7. 12. Whole Notes
  8. 14. higher note
  9. 15. order in which to play in
  10. 18. Low note
  1. 2. bar blues
  2. 4. a moderate pace
  3. 5. A rest
  4. 8. sixteenth note
  5. 10. Half note
  6. 12. where notes go
  7. 13. quavers and semiquavers together
  8. 14. the final product
  9. 16. Every good boy deserves fruit
  10. 17. a part in a song