
  1. 3. Name of the crossword.
  2. 4. Color and first word of the name of the group "____ Day".
  3. 6. Name of the instrument that Samuel plays.
  4. 8. White stick with holes that makes sounds (instrument).
  5. 9. Ba dum tss! (instrument).
  6. 12. Complete the name of the song "Wake me up when ____ ends".
  7. 14. Music style invented by afro-américains.
  8. 16. First name of the King of the Pop.
  9. 18. Mozart mastered this instrument.
  10. 19. Signer of the song Thank u, next (first name).
  11. 20. "_____ road, take me home".
  12. 21. First name of the signer of the Titanic song "My heart will go on".
  13. 22. What is the name of the group who sings the song "Africa"?
  14. 23. Queen B
  15. 24. Last name of a singer, name of a planet and a chocolate bar
  1. 1. What kind of music the group AC/DC does?
  2. 2. Group of Freddy Mercury.
  3. 5. Style of music that Bob Marley was doing.
  4. 7. Name of the instrument that looks like a little guitar.
  5. 9. Someone who does remixes and put music in partys.
  6. 10. Name of someone who does music.
  7. 11. Group of music that play "Nothing else matters"
  8. 13. The easiest instrument to play in the world
  9. 15. Kind of instrument (flute, saxophone, trumpet).
  10. 17. The style of music of the song "Stayin alive".
  11. 18. Name of the most popular song of Ed Sheeran.
  12. 23. Last name of the most hated singer in America