Music - Monty & Amelia

  1. 3. it’s very slow
  2. 5. a particular speed In a piece of music
  3. 6. the thickness/thinness in a piece of music
  4. 8. a particular pattern in a piece of music
  5. 9. it’s a 1 beat note in a piece of music
  6. 10. a lively & fast tempo in music
  7. 11. it’s a 1/4 beat note in a piece of music
  8. 12. a soft tempo in music
  9. 13. the high and low sound in a piece of music
  1. 1. the way a piece of music is put together
  2. 2. it’s loud
  3. 4. it’s very loud
  4. 7. long and short sounds in a piece of music
  5. 9. a wood instrument played in a band/orchestra
  6. 12. it’s very fast