
  1. 2. A note worth 2 beats
  2. 3. Is very fast
  3. 6. A form of note
  4. 11. Someone who plays a songs for special events
  5. 12. hop A form of song
  6. 16. A form of song
  7. 18. Is fast and lively
  8. 19. Is the order that different parts of the song are played in
  9. 21. Tempo means the speed at which a piece of music should be played
  10. 23. A note worth 4 beats
  1. 1. A person who sings a song that they has written or is singing someone else’s song
  2. 3. A form of song
  3. 4. Is a wood wind instrument
  4. 5. Texture describes how layers of sound within a piece of music interact
  5. 7. Is at a moderate paste
  6. 8. Beats that repeat a specific number of times within a bar
  7. 9. Is a slow tempo
  8. 10. Is a musical instrument
  9. 13. Is a musical instrument
  10. 14. A melody is a tune, voice or line
  11. 15. Is a musical instrument
  12. 17. A musical instrument that is used for a deep or high beat in a song
  13. 20. clef Is the right side of the side of a keyboard
  14. 22. A low bass sound that keeps the song in time
  15. 24. clef Is the left side of a keyboard