
  1. 3. a dramatic work in which all or most of the words are sung to music
  2. 8. a musical instrument with strings, which you hold under your chin and play with a bow
  3. 10. musical instrument that usually has six strings and that you play with your fingers or with a plectrum
  4. 13. a group of people who sing together, for example in church services or public performances
  5. 14. a voice or singer with a range between tenor and bass
  6. 16. a performance of two musicians or singers
  7. 19. a singing voice with the highest range for a woman or boy
  8. 20. a musical instrument that you hold in both hands to produce sounds.
  9. 21. a piece of music written as an introduction to an opera or a ballet
  10. 23. producing sound, and eventually speech.
  11. 24. a musical instrument of the woodwind group, like a thin pipe in shape
  12. 26. a piece of music designed to give a player practice in technical skills
  13. 27. sounds that are arranged in a way that is pleasant or exciting to listen to.
  14. 29. a large musical instrument with strings stretched from top to bottom on a frame, played with the fingers
  15. 30. large musical instrument played by pressing the black and white keys on the keyboard
  1. 1. a musical show, with people playing music
  2. 2. a musical instrument like a guitar with a body in the shape of a triangle and two, three, or four strings popular especially in Russia
  3. 4. based on a scale in which the third note is a semitone / half step higher than the second note
  4. 5. a musical instrument made of two rows of wooden bars of different lengths that you hit with two small sticks
  5. 6. to use one's vocal chords to make musical tones.
  6. 7. a large group of people who play various musical instruments together
  7. 9. a short piece of music, especially an introduction to a longer piece
  8. 11. a musical instrument made of a hollow round frame with plastic or skin stretched tightly across one or both ends.
  9. 12. a simple musical instrument that consists of a long piece of metal bent into the shape of a triangle, that you hit with another piece of metal
  10. 15. lowest tone or part in music, for instruments or voices
  11. 17. a person who stands in front of an orchestra, a group of singers etc., and directs their performance, especially somebody who does this as a profession
  12. 18. based on a scale (= a series of eight notes) in which the third note is two whole tones / steps higher than the first note
  13. 22. a strong regular repeated pattern of sounds or movements
  14. 25. a man’s singing voice with a range just below the lowest woman’s voice
  15. 28. the most exciting part of a play, piece of music, etc. that usually happens near the end