
  1. 2. Played by strumming or plucking
  2. 4. A device that requires skill for proper use
  3. 8. the study of musical sound
  4. 11. Discordant sound
  5. 12. Jazz instrument
  6. 13. A succession of notes forming a distinctive sequence
  7. 14. The perception of pleasant arrangements of musical notes
  8. 15. Detroit music genre
  1. 1. Elements in accord
  2. 3. an adult male singer with the lowest voice
  3. 5. A book containing a collection of songs
  4. 6. popular music originating in the West Indies
  5. 7. A small bagpipe formerly popular in France
  6. 9. A single-reed instrument with a straight tube
  7. 10. A drama set to music