
  1. 1. Quiet
  2. 3. a symbol used to indicate the pitch of the notes.
  3. 6. two dots on a bar line that tells you to repeat a part of the music.
  4. 9. medium quiet
  5. 12. a set of lines and spaces where notes are placed.
  6. 13. shows what notes are to be made sharps or flats in this piece.
  7. 14. it shows how many beats are in a measure and what note gets the beat
  8. 17. the highness or lowness of a note
  9. 18. medium loud
  1. 2. to remove the previous sharp or flat on a note.
  2. 3. another word for 2/2 time.
  3. 4. a line that shows the end of a piece.
  4. 5. another word for 4/4 time.
  5. 7. to lower a note one half step
  6. 8. Loud
  7. 10. a segment of time in a musical piece
  8. 11. The loudness of a note
  9. 12. to raise a not one half step
  10. 15. a staff that shows the treble and bass staff
  11. 16. a line that seperates two measure