- 4. Smoothly connects two or more notes of different pitches by a curved line over or under the notes
- 6. tells how many beats are in each measure and what kind of note gets one beat
- 7. the staff or stave is a set of five horizontal lines and four spaces that each represent a different musical pitch or in the case of a percussion staff, different percussion instruments
- 9. divides the staff into measures
- 11. Four beats of sound
- 14. A rest is a musical symbol that marks the absence of a note.
- 17. very soft
- 18. detached or disconnected in sound or style
- 19. Traditionally a measure (or bar) refers to a single unit of time that contains a specified number of beats played at a specified tempo.
- 1. very loud
- 2. The piano is an acoustic, keyboard and stringed musical instrument in which the strings are struck by wooden hammers that are coated with a softer material.
- 3. Typically, composers and musicians use the word "forte" to refer to music being played louder than a phrase that precedes or follows it.
- 4. Raises a note by a half step
- 5. gradually softer
- 8. in music, flat means "lower in pitch". Flat is the opposite of sharp, which is a raising of pitch.
- 10. sharps or flats placed at the beginning of a selection indicating its key
- 12. One beat of sound
- 13. Two beats of sound
- 15. gradually louder
- 16. In music and music theory, the beat is the basic unit of time, the pulse, of the mensural level.