- 5. Big string instrument with a low-pitched sound that belongs to the violin's family.
- 6. String instrument which is very popular in south Spain.
- 7. Electronic device which is used to amplify the voice.
- 8. A couple of percussion instruments whcih are quite tiny and are beated with the hands.
- 9. Instrument that accompanied Bob Dylan's songs.
- 14. Show that a group of musicians gives to the public.
- 15. Instrument played by Tanxugueiras.
- 16. Very popular electronic device which is used to reproduce sounds in a higher level of sound.
- 18. The biggest and gravest sound instrument from the violin's family.
- 1. Flat instrument, made of metal,which is beated with sticks.
- 2. Metal instrument, similar to a xylophone but smaller.
- 3. Popular instrument which is a mixture between a piano and a big blower.
- 4. Elevated platform where musicians and artists perfom.
- 8. The most popular instrument in Galicia and Scotland.
- 10. Wind instrument made of metal, which appear in one of the Grimm's stories.
- 11. Instrument similar to the flute but with a sweeter sound. It is very popular at music lessons.
- 12. Instrument played by a banjist.
- 13. Instrument used in the past by tribes to announce war.
- 15. Wind instrument, usually made of metal, which is similar to Donald Trump's surname.
- 17. Chopin's favourite instrument.