
  1. 2. the speed of a piece of music
  2. 5. distance between 2 notes
  3. 11. regular pulse of the music
  4. 12. accenting a unexpected note or off beat
  5. 13. category of music
  6. 14. when 2 or more notes sound pleasing or stable
  7. 15. 3+ notes played together
  1. 1. section of a melody, usually marked by a small pause
  2. 3. containing a single melodic line
  3. 4. different instruments that make up a ensemble
  4. 6. a smaller division within a larger work
  5. 7. the number and length of beats in each measure
  6. 8. the end of a musical sentence
  7. 9. containing 2+ independent melonic line
  8. 10. when 2+ notes sound unpleasing or unstable