
  1. 3. What is her first name?
  2. 6. Which day of the week are they singing about?
  3. 8. An upcoming holiday.
  4. 10. What is her surname?
  5. 11. Her first name.
  6. 14. What's the name of the song?
  7. 15. What's the name of the group?
  1. 1. Where does he come from?
  2. 2. What instrument can you hear?
  3. 4. One of the words in the songtitle.
  4. 5. What instrument can you hear?
  5. 7. Who made this song?
  6. 9. One word from the title of this Netflix serie.
  7. 12. What is her surname?
  8. 13. Which capital are they singing about?