
  1. 3. A country-pop-rock singer whose name is the amalgamation of a couple of aerial birds
  2. 7. Half-sitting posture in a classical dance form
  3. 9. Highest male voice in Western classical music
  4. 10. The city where the first Bharat Ratna awardee in Carnatic classical singing hails from
  5. 11. Black or white, you can use us to ‘unlock’ the melody in a popular instrument
  6. 12. Popular folk dance of Assam
  1. 1. Tempo or the speed of delivery of phrases in Carnatic music
  2. 2. The connecting passage between two sections of a song
  3. 4. Piano :soft:: ____: loud
  4. 5. The End (as represented in sheet music)
  5. 6. Hand gestures in dance
  6. 8. This Hindustani classical singer popularized taranas; his namesake is a famous actor