
  1. 1. Latin American dance music with Afro-Cuban origins (5)
  2. 3. Composer known for blending classical and jazz (8)
  3. 5. The perceived frequency of a note (5)
  4. 7. Played loudly in musical dynamics (5)
  5. 10. Gradual increase in loudness (9)
  6. 11. Collection of songs released together (6)
  7. 12. Russian composer of ‘Swan Lake’ (11)
  8. 15. The process of changing from one key to another (10)
  9. 16. Genre blending rap, DJing, and breakdancing (6)
  10. 17. Genre rooted in rural American traditions (7)
  11. 18. Music genre expressing sorrow and hardship (5)
  12. 19. Played softly in musical dynamics (5)
  13. 21. Interval spanning eight notes (6)
  14. 23. Traditional music often passed down orally (4)
  15. 25. Variations in loudness or intensity of music (8)
  16. 26. Renowned German composer (9)
  17. 27. A note that is not part of the indicated key signature (10)
  18. 29. The character or quality of a musical sound (6)
  19. 31. Jamaican music with offbeat rhythms (6)
  20. 32. Polish composer known for his piano works (6)
  21. 33. Notes played in a short, detached manner (8)
  22. 36. Speed or pace of a musical piece (5)
  23. 37. Instrument with a keyboard and bellows (9)
  1. 2. Smooth and connected style of playing or singing (6)
  2. 4. Music composed for a film or show (10)
  3. 6. Combination of notes played or sung together (7)
  4. 8. A disturbance of the regular flow of rhythm (11)
  5. 9. Ancient stringed instrument resembling a small harp (4)
  6. 12. Brass instrument with a flared bell (7)
  7. 13. Electronic instrument that generates sounds (11)
  8. 14. Repeated section of a song, often with multiple voices (6)
  9. 17. Technique of combining two or more melodic lines (12)
  10. 20. Notes of a chord played in succession (8)
  11. 22. Baroque composer known for ‘The Four Seasons’ (7)
  12. 24. Dramatic work combining singing and orchestral music (5)
  13. 28. Large string instrument played sitting down (5)
  14. 30. Large woodwind instrument with a low pitch (7)
  15. 32. Three or more notes played together (5)
  16. 34. Harmonic progression signalling the end of a phrase (7)
  17. 35. A fast, lively pace in music (7)