Music Appreciation Puzzle!

  1. 3. Written in Key
  2. 6. Improv and swing.
  3. 9. Not the 'bass' clef but the..
  4. 10. Romantic period piano man.
  5. 14. Italian, meaning "cadence"
  6. 16. renaissance instrument uses bag & air
  7. 17. Generally 4 beats long in 4/4
  8. 18. Contrasting section to close song.
  9. 20. Space between notes.
  10. 21. The Movement of the music.
  11. 24. decides the notes of the piece.
  12. 25. The "color" of music.
  13. 26. An orchestral synopsis
  14. 27. Cultural Rebirth period
  15. 29. Introduction tune, typically brass
  16. 32. Johannes ______ from germany (B.....)
  17. 33. Musician from the boroque period.
  18. 34. Music Period 1750-1820
  19. 36. Orchestra, choir, and solos(no opera
  20. 37. ABA form is...
  21. 39. Shorter Version of an Opera
  22. 40. Wrote a nice Xmas oratorio (Messiah).
  23. 42. Singular musical line
  24. 44. Rhythmic structure of music.
  25. 45. All verses sung to same music
  26. 46. A group of singers
  1. 1. Not written in key (not tonal).
  2. 2. Gregorian....
  3. 4. gives us the frequency of aa note
  4. 5. Pachelbel's famous...
  5. 7. Sequence of single notes to a tune.
  6. 8. Written for a funeral
  7. 10. Harmonized simple tune.
  8. 11. 3 or more voices singing a unison.
  9. 12. All the notes in a certain key
  10. 13. Simultaneous pitches/chords
  11. 15. What we are 'appreciating' in class
  12. 16. Composer who was deaf!
  13. 18. Bach came to rise in this period
  14. 19. Structure of a piece of music
  15. 22. Characterized by pitch, timbre, volume
  16. 23. 5th century to 15th Century period
  17. 28. Written piece of music
  18. 30. Multiple musical lines
  19. 31. Harmonic set of 3 or more notes
  20. 35. A composition of instruments
  21. 38. 20th Century period
  22. 41. 1800-1850 period
  23. 42. Made opera operettas
  24. 43. Longer version of an Operetta
  25. 44. Choral musical composition (variety)